The Process

How We Can Help You Heal


When we are in pain, having it stop or slow down is all that matters.

We take the time to get down to the root cause, and focus on getting your body out of “fight or flight”, so that it can begin to move towards healing.

In all stages, we are committed towards building a resilient body that is capable of recovering faster and becoming stronger and increasingly self-sufficient.


Once you are out of pain, we can then focus on helping your body build new patterns and habits, to keep you on the path of wellness.

While our gentle adjustments focus on continuing to remove nerve interference from old patterns, this is also the opportunity for the body to take positive inputs and create new patterns and foundations for health.

Corrective exercise, lifestyle modifications, and other holistic, non-invasive therapies are often utilized here in our care.


You have accomplished your goals, and we will look to continue to maintain and optimize your well-being as you continue on with life.

You may choose to see us for periodic maintenance adjustments, or you may have new issues pop up in life.

Either way, we are here to support you in the way that best serves you.